Address: |
view address Calexico, CA 92231 Map Location |
Property Type: | Lots/Land |
Community: | OUT OF AREA | Neighborhood: | out of area |
County: | Imperial | List Date: | 2024-05-06 |
Listing Number: | 240010024 | Listed By: | American Group |
For Sale in Calexico, Parcel numbers 058-030-101-000, 058-030 -102-000, 058-030-103-000. They are all adjacent and being sold separately. One acre each. They are located at the prime location of Portico Boulevard and Camacho. This is a Perfect investment opportunity. Please see the benefits of California opportunity zones. Industrial/commercial zonning
Fencing: | Fenced |
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This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.
Community information and market data Powered by Onboard Informatics. Copyright ©2024 Onboard Informatics. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.
Community information and market data Powered by Onboard Informatics. Copyright ©2024 Onboard Informatics. Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
This information is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be relied on in making any home-buying decisions. School information does not guarantee enrollment. Contact a local real estate professional or the school district(s) for current information on schools. This information is not intended for use in determining a person’s eligibility to attend a school or to use or benefit from other city, town or local services.